
REPOPSI Manager – Aleksandra Lazić – receives the Sarah Jones Award from Research Data Alliance
Talk at the Open Science Day V
Talk at the 6th EIFL Open Science Trainers Meet-up
Workshop supported by the Work With Young Researchers Program at the LIRA Lab
REPOPSI is listed in OpenDOAR
REPOPSI receives a SIPS Commendation from the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science
REPOPSI is registered in the FORRT’s Curated Resources
REPOPSI is registered in the EOSC Portal
REPOPSI is added to the FAIRsharing.org registry
Workshop supported by the Open Science Community Serbia
Launch of the REPOPSI website with an interactive search web app
Talk at the Research Data Alliance 20th Plenary Meeting
Talk at the Open Science Days IV
REPOPSI is awarded a €50,000 grant through the RDA/EOSC Future Open Call
REPOPSI is recognized as a good practice of Responsible Research and Innovation by the WBC-RRI.NET
REPOPSI is on the map of repositories in Serbia curated by the National Open Science Portal
Workshop supported by the Open Science Community Serbia
Talk at the Research Data Alliance 17th Plenary Meeting
REPOPSI is listed in re3data.org
Presentation of a paper at the Application of Free Software and Open Hardware Conference (PSSOH)
REPOPSI is public!