REPOPSI’s recommendations for Open Science resources

31 jul 2023
The REPOPSI team has assembled a list of resources that can support researchers and students in finding and sharing research materials.

This list will be useful to anyone who wants to learn more about and practice Open Science, but also to those more experienced in data and repository management.

We focus on the resources that we used for REPOPSI development and maintenance as well as on the resources we leveraged during the REPOPSI improvement project funded by EOSC Future and RDA.

We also introduce Open Science resources that have proven useful to psychology researchers and students at the Laboratory for Research of Individual Differences (LIRA) or that were developed by them.

Repositories of research instruments

Open, free-of-charge repositories where you can find and store psychological tests and other research instruments used in social and behavioral science research:

Focuses on instruments in Serbian, but also documents English and multilingual instruments

Focuses on behavioral science measures

Focuses on instruments in German, but also documents English and multilingual instruments

Focuses on individual difference measures commonly used in judgment and decision-making research

Specifically for Experience Sampling Method items

Specifically for instruments in the Slovak language

More repositories…

More repositories – either general (for all kinds of research data) or disciplinary and specialist repositories – where you can find and store research instruments, but also articles, preprints, datasets, code, supplements, preregistrations,…

Even more repositories?

We can’t provide an extensive list in this blog post, so please browse

to find more repositories.

Other open resources and tools

Here are some open resources and tools useful for research (mostly for psychological research) that you might miss by browsing the repositories.

Datasets and research materials:

Open-source applications for collecting experience sampling data:

Finding Open Access versions of journal articles:

Open-source reference management software

The bigger picture

The following list include various platforms and organizations offering resources to support Open Science in research, innovation, and education.

You will find them useful if you are a researcher in academia, industry or government but also if you are a provider of Open Access resources and tools, journal publisher, librarian, trainer, funder,…

You may use their services to find research data, tools or courses as well as (meta)data standards and policies. You may also join some of the listed organizations for free and participate in their Open Science community activities.

Learn about FAIR and TRUST

If you are interested in Open Science, we recommend you learn more about the FAIR and TRUST principles.

If you decide to open your data or tools, making them publicly available is not enough. It would be good if you also made sure that both humans and machines are able to easily Find, Access, Interoperate, and Re-use your data and metadata (FAIR).

Repositories that follow the principles of Transparency, Responsibility, User focus, Sustainability, and Technology (TRUST) can support you in doing just that.

More on FAIR-ness:

More on TRUST-worthiness:


Illustrations used in this blog: